Teach Your Children to Pray

I pray even now in my heart for your family and this journey you begin today . . . a journey that will lead you closer to the heart of God. May He lay His hands on you and your children as His Word becomes alive and His voice whispers to you. Let us pray!

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Prayer challenge for our kids! Since doing the spouse prayer challenge this past fall I have received a TON of requests regarding a prayer challenge for our kids, and I thought the start of the year would be the perfect time for that.  We all know that it seems there is a fight for our children.  Agendas are strong, it's hard to let them turn on the tv or walk in a store  without having some sort of desensitizing happening, and it seems like the influence of friends and social media has more impact on them then their own parents.  Just what the enemy would want.  A foothold to draw them further away from truth, family and God and closer to culture, chaos and confusion. 


But, we know that the true battle happens in the spiritual realm, and if the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil are fighting for them, we are going to draw up our armor and fight against them.  When all seems hopeless we know that the Lord hears our cries and fights on our behalf.  And how powerful it is knowing that as a community we are doing it together!  So call a friend, ask your parents, and lets get as many people committed to praying for our kids/grandkids for 30 days and see how God works. 


We need revival in our country.  We need revival in our homes. 

We need hearts to be softened and humbled.

We need to fight for our kids.



Daily Prompts


Day 1 - Children's Protection.

Romans 8:28

Day 2 - Children's Future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Day 3 - Children's Friendships.

 Colossians 3:13

Day 4 - Children's Education.

Proverbs 2:6

Day 5 - Children's Faith.

 Mark 11:22-24

Day 6 - Children's Wisdom.

Proverbs 3:13-18

Day 7 - Children's Love from Him. 

1 John 3:1
Day 8 - Children live out the fruits of the spirit.

2 Timothy 2:22

 Day 9 - Children's awareness of sin.

1 John 1:9

Day 10 - Children's Humility.

Titus 3:2

Day 11 - Children's Purity.

Psalms 119:9

Day 12 - Children's Health

Isaiah 40:31

Day 13 - Children Worshippers.

 Psalms 8:2

Day 14 - Children's Joy.

 1 Thess. 1:6

Day 15 - Children's Work ethic.

Ephesians 6:7

Day 16 - Children's Gratitude.

Ephesians 5:20

Day 17 - Children's Mercy.

Luke 6:36

Day 18 - Children's Justice.

 Psalms 11:7

Day 19 - Children's Salvation.

Isaiah 45:8

Day 20 - Children's Peace.

 Romans 14:19

Day 21 - Children's Responsibility.

Galatians 6:5

Day 22 - Children's Prayerfulness.

 1 Thess. 5:17

Day 23 - Children's Contentment.

Philippians 4:11

Day 24 - Children's Biblical Self-esteem.

Ephesians 2:10

Day 25 - Children's Listening Ear

John 10:27-28

Day 26 - Children's Respect

1 Peter 2:17

Day 27 - The Prodigal Child

Luke 15:32

Day 28 - Children's Spouse

2 Corinthians 6:14

Day 29. - Children's Leadership

1 Timothy 4:12

Day 30 - Children's Hearts

Ezekiel 36.26

Prayer is the most effective way to see change in our kids hearts, and its something we can all do for our families.  But as the Lord changes hearts, we also need to be intentional to disciple and guide our kids into truth and wisdom.  It's something that so many of us neglect.  We aren't sure how that looks, what to do, or how to reach our kids.  Put plainly, we don't have a plan. 

we realized that so many families are losing control too late, and don't know how to back track.  We created a course called, "Creating Culture- Living Set Apart In A Crazy World" that really guides you into how to create a family you love to be around, one rooted on a firm foundation that keeps the hearts of your kids.  If you are just starting a family or are in the thick of it, this course would be a great resource.  It covers 5 different areas - Home, Parenting, Technology, Finances, and Marriage.  It's never too late for anyone.  Lets commit to praying for our kids, have faith that God will do a work, and then be intentional to lead our families rooted in God and looking different than the world