Share Your Faith Story
A great way to share your faith story is to talk about moments in your life that are significant in showing how
Jesus, through the Gospel, is transforming you. The following questions may help you to piece together your
faith story. You will not need to answer all of these; some questions you may find more helpful than others.
• What kind of environment did you grow up in? (i.e., Christian home, church on occasion, non Christian
home or other religions, broken home, etc.)
• How did your upbringing affect how you saw the world, how you behaved, what you believed about God?
• When did the message of the Gospel begin to impact your heart, your thinking, your faith, behavior, etc.?
• What struggles or trials have you been through or are going through and how is Jesus working in these
• What idols in your life have been destroyed as a result of the Gospel?
• What idols in your life presently is the Holy Spirit working to destroy?
• How have you seen your love for God and others grow as a result of the Gospel?
• How is prayer, reading God’s Word, and church involvement making an impact on how you live your life
as a follower of Christ?
• Do you ever try to make God love you and accept you by your own effort? How does the Gospel speak into
this thinking?
• How has Jesus freed you from sin and how is the Holy Spirit actively directing you away from sin on a
daily basis?
Practical Helps
• It should be 3-5 minutes and you should practice sharing it with a teammate.
• Share major moments in your story and keep it moving in the right direction.
• Tell your story with just enough details to keep people engaged. Make it personal but keep Christ as the
focus of your story.
• Clarify words or phrases that may not be familiar to them (i.e., “saved,” “born again,” “converted,” “asked
Jesus into my heart,” etc.)
• Use Scripture (Heb. 4:12).
• Avoid mentioning church denominations in a derogatory way.
When Using Your Faith Story as an Evangelism Tool
• Trust in God’s power to save as you share. Ask Him for wisdom (Rom. 1:16, James 1:5-6).
• Give people a chance to respond with questions or ask them to share their faith story.
• After they have had a chance to respond, you may want to ask, “Have you ever considered putting your
faith in Jesus?”
• If they express a desire to make the decision to follow Christ, invite them to pray what is on their